
Welcome to the Bradford’s Conservative Games League Our city’s most populated games league now has its own website,

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Welcome to the Bradford’s Conservative Games League

Our city’s most populated games league now has its own website, featuring a well balanced theme with eye-catching colours this splendid-looking site will surely be popular amongst our players and visitors alike.

Site Pointers

News, Information, Statistics, Honours, Contacts.

News articles or league information and any league-related things will be posted in the News section, Maybe your club is hosting an exhibition or an event then let us know and we can share it in this section to boost ticket sales.

Fixtures, Handicap Reviews, etc. will be posted in the Information tab, Please check this frequently for any handicap changes to prevent any confusion.

This will also be where to find important dates, like Presentation nights.

Have you ever wondered how you have done in a season, well now you can have that information, The MVP leaderboard will show the top 20 by statistics to everyone and this will ensure those who have had a not-so-good season can be kept anonymous.

We can however on request send you a personal email showing you your own statistics if requested providing you are the person requesting it.

Remember to play the required amount of matches to qualify for “Most Valuable Player” title, Can you be the first?

Instead of archiving seasons, it’s now done via an offline spreadsheet shared online for public viewing in our newly added Honours tab.

Scrolling to the end of any page you will see contacts, You will find your league representative and competitions manager for easy access, Website operator can also be contacted this way too.

This site is brand new and possibly a few teething issues will arise so if found please use the contacts and send an email to the webmaster for viewing.

Please share and help us get the word around about our new exciting Conservative Games League website!

Hope to see you again

Con League


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